Curry-Hurd offers a diverse list of services. Some of the services include:

We handle the overall business development from top to bottom, and will be involved in all aspects of your business. Ed takes a hands-on leadership role while integrating and optimizing the functional areas of your company. This will include reviewing your sales/marketing, production, finance, human resources, information systems, office-management/expansion and client services. Key responsibilities might include developing policies, practices and attaining operating and profit goals.

We look at the entity and its accounting and tax structure. Although the success of the business is dependent on the product or service performed, the structure of the entity can detract from its performance. Structure and accounting apply not only to financial matters but also to the legal opportunities of the business. Business can be inhibited by its setup, method of accounting and tax reporting.
Some of the services normally include:
* Business Building, Coaching and Staging
* Business Facilitator
* Client Representation in Business Negotiations
* Due Diligence Reviews
* Financial Analysis
* Financing Alternatives
* Merger, Acquisition or Sale of a Business
* Strategic Planning

We provide a fresh analysis of your corporate financial structure. His goal is to maximize corporate cash flow, while minimizing financial costs and expenses. Tom would renegotiate bank-financing arrangements to insure proper pricing and structure. In growth situations, he would insure that adequate financing is in place to support management’s planned growth.
Some of the services normally include:
* Providing assistance with financial analysis of business situation
* Preparing business financial proforma
* Assessing appropriate financing structure
* Providing network of business friendly bankers
* Making financial presentation to bankers
* Acting as liaison for company and bank during the process
* Negotiating with bank on behalf of borrower
* Reviewing bank offer and documentation
* Offering quarterly performance analysis and compliance and present to bank
* Assisting in hiring financial staff